Our Vision/Mission

How goes the world?
The world goes not well.
But the Kingdom comes.

These words end our worship each week, and they remind us that the mission of St. Aidan’s church (along with all of Christ’s church) is to BE the Kingdom of God in a broken world because we believe that Christ is making all things new.

In order to do this, the people of St. Aidan’s are committed to two principles: availability and vulnerability. These two principles first define our relationship to God and then to each other. We become available and vulnerable through a life of common prayer and worship.

To aid us in living out these two practices, we follow six postures:

  1. Listening: We listen for God and we listen to our neighbors and community.
  2. Submerging: As God became human in Jesus, we do our best to become Christ to our neighbors.
  3. Inviting: We welcome others into our story to welcome them into God’s story.
  4. Contending: Confronting the brokenness in ourselves and our community is difficult, but necessary for the Kingdom to come.
  5. Imagining: We envision a better world and work to achieve God’s Kingdom.
  6. Entrusting: We understand that only Christ can save and entrust our work to his hands.

The confirmed members of St. Aidan’s agree to these practices and postures through an annual covenant.  You can read our charter here: St. Aidan’s Charter.